Social Media in Real Estate

January 10, 2011 11:53 am Published by

E360 is immersed in global real estate research and market trends; trends in emerging markets, saturated markets and markets that no one has ever or will ever hear of.  We sometimes can know more about a specific region, development and consumer than is often necessary and we have to remind ourselves to step out of the knowledge.

Obviously, we believe that research is the most important foundation for everything we do in the global real estate industry and yes, research will tell us nearly everything we need to know to drive sales and increase market share. But the real question is why.  The reasons why someone wants to buy something isn’t always based on what research can tell us.

The answer seems simple, but one of the best ways to figure that out is by listening.  One of the best pieces of knowledge I received recently was from Kate at Hubspot. We discussed the relevant conversations our clients and customers and potential customers are having on there. “In fact”, she said, “they might actually be talking about you.  Do you know who they are and what they are saying?”

In this new age of social media, we are reminded of a simple lesson – it is more important to LISTEN to our consumer than to TALK to them.  I can almost hear my mother saying “don’t speak unless spoken to”. In the world of sales and marketing we know that won’t work, but in social media, that old fashioned saying has some merit.

We see a lot of project these days throw their information on Viviun or another global real estate website and say they have a strong social media campaign or say they are experts at real estate marketing. We aren’t saying Viviun doesn’t work, but we are saying that there are international real estate consumers out there already talking about you and they are waiting to be found. A good spot to learn more about how to use Vivian check out

There is a Chinese Proverb that says “To listen well, is as powerful a means of influence as to talk well, and is as essential to all true conversation”. Good luck with your next social media campaign and drop us a line if you need help listening.

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